Painting Color Trends for Fireplace 2018

painted fireplace

Painting fireplaces made of brick and other materials has been a huge trend this year, with a more artistic aesthetic than we have been seeing in the past. By painting your fireplace, you can allow for a bit more of a pop of color than before. Let’s take a look at some of the color trends for this year so far.

  • Bright Yellow: These tones of bright yellow are amazing in that they can really make your fireplace pop more than normally. With bright yellows, you can see that the room really brightens up by attracting light, as well as matching perfectly with tones such as greys.
  • Bright Blue: Dark, ocean-colored blues can be the perfect way to really add some depth of color to the room. If the room is extremely light, sometimes a darker color is what is needed to really pull the room together.
  • White: This classic color is amazing for almost any kind of room, including rooms with slightly muted colors. The white on a colorful background can really make your fireplace the centerpiece of the room and allow you to really highlight the fireplace as the hearth of the home.
  • Burnt Orange: a nice burnt color is perfect if you are looking for a more colorful room. From reds to yellows to warm colors in general, the burnt orange is the perfect complement to these colors.

Contact New England Hearth & Home!

At New England Hearth & Home, we have some of the best fireplaces in all New England & Massachusetts as a whole. Fireplaces can provide all the benefits above and MORE! If you are interested in getting a new fireplace, contact us today at New England Hearth & Home by filling out our contact form, or by giving us a call directly at 781-562-0771.

How Fireplaces Add More Home Value


Often you see that living areas have the opportunity to upgrade over the years. From kitchens making the switch from homey to more modern, as well as rustic kitchens versus a more industrialized area. This also plays into specific items in your kitchen, including countertops and appliances. While it is easy to upgrade your kitchen, there are also some things you can do to upgrade other parts of your home, such as your living room, such as flooring, and similarly, adding a fireplace. Fireplaces can add a lot of home value, which you may not expect. Let’s take a look at some more information pertaining to fireplaces adding home value.

How Much Value Does A Fireplace Add?

On average, fireplaces can add up to 12% more value to your home. This is an immense amount that can really make a difference in how much you get for the home you are moving onto. If you think about it, if your home is worth $300,000, you could get that home value up to $336,000, which is a difference of $36,000. Some of the top items for increasing your home value is fireplaces, wood floors, carpets and granite countertops.

Similarly, one of the things to take into consideration is that you could make a larger or smaller return depending on where you are geographically located. If you are in the north, for example, you will want to cozy up to a warm fireplace in the wintertime, whereas you may not want a fireplace if you are in a place that is hot year-round, such as Arizona.

Contact New England Hearth & Home!

At New England Hearth & Home, we have some of the best fireplaces in all New England & Massachusetts as a whole. Fireplaces can provide all the benefits above and MORE! If you are interested in getting a new fireplace, contact us today at New England Hearth & Home by filling out our contact form, or by giving us a call directly at 781-562-0771.

3 Reasons to Install a Fireplace This Spring

cozy fireplace

Installing a fireplace in the springtime may sound a bit counterintuitive. Once the spring rolls around, you most likely want to completely forget about the winters, especially the ones in the New England, as they are extremely cold and borderline unbearable at times. This being said, if you think about it, people are going to start getting fireplaces installed in the fall to get ready for the winter, as opposed to thinking even more ahead and getting it installed way ahead of time. Some perks of this may be less of a wait and even a faster installation due to less demand. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons you should get a fireplace installed this spring.


In regard to pure looks, fireplaces really add a bit of warmth to a home. Often referred to as a hearth, fireplaces are truly the heart of the home and add a little bit extra to your home that wasn’t there before. Similarly, you can decorate the area and spruce it up a bit.

Home Value

With this new addition to your home, it will increase the home resale value, meaning that you will be able to sell your home for a higher price. This being said, you will be able to sell it for a slightly higher price down the road if you weren’t planning on selling it right away.


Overall, the purpose of a fireplace is to create warmth, and that it will do. A fireplace can keep you warmer during the wintertime, and better your experience during that time.

Contact New England Hearth & Home!

At New England Hearth & Home, we have some of the best fireplaces in all New England & Massachusetts as a whole. Fireplaces can provide all the benefits above and MORE! If you are interested in getting a new fireplace, contact us today at New England Hearth & Home by filling out our contact form, or by giving us a call directly at 781-562-0771.

Benefits of Having A Fire Pit This Summer

outdoor fire pit

Fire pits can be a beautiful addition to any backyard. Similarly, if you have a deck or a porch area, sometimes this is the perfect area to also add a fire pit. They can be the perfect way to connect and relax with your friends and family. Let’s look at all the benefits that there are to have a fire pit this summer season.

Increases Home Value

When you have a fire pit, it can increase your home value significantly. By having invested some money into your backyard, you can ultimately sell your home for a higher price in the end. Similarly, if you are not looking to sell your home at this exact moment in time, you will still be able to sell your home in the way future for a slightly higher price.


Socialization is a huge aspect of having a fire pit. These kinds of items are often referred to as hearth places, as they are at the heart of the home. Many social events can happen around a fire pit. Anything from a small get together of friends to a larger event with many individuals can work with a fire pit.


Food culture can also be incorporated into fire pits as well. When it comes to a fire pit, it can be an extremely sentimental moment to cook around a fire with family and friends. Things like s’mores and hot dogs are 100% do-able in a fire pit.

Contact New England Hearth & Home!

At New England Hearth & Home, we have some of the best fire pits in all New England & Massachusetts as a whole. Fire pits can provide all the benefits above and MORE! If you are interested in getting a new fire pit, contact us today at New England Hearth & Home by filling out our contact form, or by giving us a call directly at 781-562-0771.