Fireplace Inserts vs. Stoves: What’s the Difference and Which Is Right for You?

fireplace stoves instead of inserts in a living room being built and installed

Fireplace Inserts vs Stoves: 5 Key Differences to Consider

If you are a Massachusetts resident, you are well aware of how cold and harsh the winters can be. Installing a fireplace is a great way to add warmth and comfort to your home during the winter months. With so many different types on the market, finding the best one for you can be challenging. The two main structures you will come across are fireplace inserts and stoves. Depending on the size of your home, the room your plan to install it in, and your budget, one of these options may be better for you than the other. In this blog, we will discuss five of the main differences between inserts and stoves to help you determine which one is right for you and your home.

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Benefits of Installing a Fireplace in Your Massachusetts Home

New England residents are no strangers to cold weather. With temperatures dropping well below freezing each winter, having a fireplace in your home can make a world of difference when it comes to keeping warm and comfortable. Additionally to having a well-heated home, fireplaces also bring a feeling of coziness and ambiance.

Types of Fireplaces to Choose From

When it comes to the types of fireplaces for your Massachusetts home, you can choose from many different models and styles. While some fireplaces come in the form of a traditional masonry structure built into your wall or chimney, other more modern fireplace units are designed as free-standing stoves. The two most common types of fireplaces available today are fireplace inserts and stoves.

What is a Fireplace Insert?

A fireplace insert is an insulated unit that fits into the opening of your current masonry fireplace. These models are embedded into the existing structure of your fireplace and provide an efficient way to heat your home. Inserts are available in a variety of materials, such as metal, ceramic, or cast iron, depending on the design you are looking for.

What is a Cast-Iron Stove?

A cast-iron stove is a type of fireplace that stands on its own. These stoves are typically made from steel or cast iron and are designed to provide more heat than traditional fireplaces can. Cast-iron stoves are often mobile, meaning they can be moved from one room to another if desired.

Key Differences Between Fireplace Inserts vs. Stoves

Now that we’ve discussed the different types of fireplaces available let’s dive into the five key differences between fireplace inserts and stoves.

Free Standing vs. Embedded in Home Structure

One of the most notable differences between these two types of fireplaces is that inserts are embedded into the existing structure of your home, while stoves are free-standing. Stoves don’t need to be connected to an existing fireplace or chimney and can be moved from one room to another if needed. On the other hand, inserts must be installed directly into the existing masonry structure of your fireplace.

fall fireplace tips

Heat Output

The next difference between these two models is the amount of heat they can produce. While both inserts and stoves are designed to provide warmth when needed, stoves typically have a higher BTU output than their insert counterparts. If the main reason for purchasing a fireplace unit is to provide as much heat as possible to your home, then a stove may be the better option.

Fuel Type

If you are looking for a more efficient heating solution, the type of fuel used can make a big difference. While inserts and stoves offer traditional wood-burning models, some also feature gas or electric-powered models. Gas and electric models are often easier to use and require less maintenance than wood burners, however, they tend to be more expensive upfront.


Depending on the room you plan to install the fireplace in, ventilation can be a major factor to consider. When installing an insert, you must use an existing chimney and ensure that it is properly vented. On the other hand, stoves do not need to be connected to an existing structure and can be installed with either direct venting or using a chimney.

Maintenance Requirements

As you continue to ignite your fireplace, routine maintenance and cleanings are essential to keep it working safely and properly. Inserts usually require a more intensive cleaning than stoves because of the existing structure that they are embedded in. Stoves, however, typically do not need to be cleaned as often since they don’t rely on an existing fireplace structure.

Contact New England Hearth & Home in Canton, MA for Expert Advice on Choosing the Right Fireplace for Your Home

Now that you know the five key differences between fireplace inserts and stoves, it is time to decide which one is best for your home. If you are still unsure of which model to choose, the team at New England Hearth & Home is here to answer all of your hearth questions. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, we are one of New England’s leading providers for installing, servicing, and maintaining your fireplace. To learn more about our services and schedule an installation, visit our website or call us at 781-562-0771.

Our Best Fireplace Tips for Winter

It’s officially winter, and that means it’s peak fireplace season! If you don’t have much experience using your fireplace yet, don’t fear! We’ve put together a mini guide on how to get the most out of your fireplace this season, and also stay safe while you do it! Your fireplace is a great way to stay cozy all winter, so keep reading and learn how to become a master fire keeper!

Close The Chimney Flue When You’re Done

Make sure once the fire is out that you close your flue to avoid any cold air coming into your home, or letting out the warm air you just produced with your fire.

Pre-Chop Your Firewood

Dry wood burns the best, so it’s always best to chop as much firewood ahead of time and store it in a warm and dry place so it’s ready to burn at a moments notice. Always make sure that your firewood is stacked away from any flammable materials, and at least 2 1/2 feet high. The best way to do this is to use a firewood rack or start stacking them in between walls.

Clean it Regularly

While you probably had your fireplace cleaned at the beginning of the season, it isn’t a one time thing! Make sure after every few fires you take a look at your flue to make sure there isn’t any soot or creosote building up which can be a hazard to you or your chimney.

Watch Your Fires Closely

As your fires burn, please don’t leave them unattended, even if they are small and you’re letting them die out. You never know what nearby items might fly into the fire and cause it to flare up.

Have The Right Tools on Hand

Make sure you have access to all the right fireplace tools, such as pokers, shovels, tongs and brooms. Again, having these tools readily available is crucial in case you need to clear out your fireplace or chimney (or perform some other maintenance on them). If you don’t have the right tool for the task at-hand, then you could risk causing additional damage to your chimney and/or fireplace. There are also times when it may be safer just to let a fire burn itself out.


Contact New England Hearth & Home

If you’re thinking about adding a fireplace to your home this season, please get in touch with our team of experts. We can guide you through the process of picking out the perfect fireplace for you and your home, including our selection of electric, gas and traditional fireplaces. Give us a call at (781)562-0771 or contact us here for more information.

Can an Electric Fireplace Lower My Heating Bills?

While it might not seem like the most practical way to heat your home today, installing an electric fireplace actually can help keep your heating bills low during the cold winter months. An electric fireplace not only creates a special warm, cozy atmosphere in your home, but it also gives you the benefit of being able to turn down your regular furnace without depriving you of the ambiance or visual focal point of a fire.

How Electric Fireplaces Lower Utility Bills

There are a few ways that electric fireplaces can help you lower your utility bills. One of the main factors here is that you don’t have to heat your entire home with your fireplace insert- you can be much more selective and just heat the common areas while lowering the general temperature on your house-wide heating system by a few degrees. This is great to do throughout the day when house members are mostly in the common space, or even at night too when everyone is in their beds under the covers.

Electric Fireplace Vs Traditional Fireplace

Another benefit is that with an electric fireplace, you don’t have to use as much heating fuel since it’s a more effective way to heat a room. It does a very good job of warming up a home without taking as much energy from your regular heating system. If you do decide to install a wood-burning fireplace later on, remember that it will take more energy to maintain the temperature in your house and you’ll also be dealing with the hassle of chopping logs and hauling them around.

Why Fireplace Inserts Are The Best Choice

Electric fireplaces are great because they come in so many different styles and designs that can fit into almost any space or décor. You can find electric fireplaces that look just like real wood burning fireplaces, or you can find beautifully designed fireplaces that offer a much more modern and sleek look.

What about gas fireplaces?

Gas fireplaces produce heat that results in higher utility bills than those due to electric fireplaces or wood-burning stoves. A gas fireplace produces heated air that is blown into the room with fans attached to the unit. These forced drafts increase heating costs and source another indoor air pollution problem besides carbon monoxide poisoning. Newer models eliminate these draft problems by introducing sealed combustion technology so they burn cleaner with cleaner air.

Where Should I Put My Electric Fireplace?

To get the most out of your electric fireplace, place it in a room that you will be using often, especially if you live in the north east where we get a lot of snow. For more tips on how to get the most out of your electric fireplace, or for advice on how to install one, give us a call at (781)562-0771 or contact us here for a free quote on a brand new fireplace.