Converting a Wood Fireplace to Gas

gas fireplace

Having a wood fireplace is great, but many homeowners are making the switch to gas. Wood fireplaces require a fair amount of upkeep, and you will spend a lot of money on wood. Lucky for you, making the switch to gas will not require you to get a whole new fireplace. Here are the benefits of switching to gas in your fireplace:

Cleaner Air and Home

Soot tends to get everywhere when you light a fire in your wood fireplace. If you don’t have proper ventilation, soot can get on walls and objects to create a sticky grease. Wood fireplaces also tend to release toxins into the air as well as pollutants. These include benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. When you switch to a gas fireplace, you won’t have to worry about soot or debris, so your air will be a lot cleaner.

Energy Efficiency

Gas fireplaces are more environmentally conscious. They are created to mimic a wood fireplace but are manufactured with energy-efficient materials and technology. You will get a lot more energy from the fuel as heat, about 75 – 98%. Wood fireplaces do not get more than 30%. This is way better than wood fireplaces, which run at around 30 percent efficiency because they waste about two-thirds of their heat up the chimney.


When you have a fireplace in your home, there is always a risk for danger. When you have a gas fireplace installed by our professionals, you’ll find it to be a lot safer than a wood fireplace. Gas fireplaces have a system for safety shutoff, which can prevent gas leaks. When the fireplace is on and in use, the gas levels stay stable so that the flames do not get too big. Wood fireplaces are more prone to accidents, but it is still essential to make sure gas fireplaces are properly vented.

Easy to Use

Gas fireplaces are way easier to use than wood. Gas can be started with the touch of a button, rather than having to light logs and keep the flame going. If you are looking for a simple fireplace option, converting to gas is the way to go! Although gas still requires some work from time to time, try to make the switch. 

Contact New England Hearth & Home

The fireplace experts at New England Hearth & Home are here to help you choose the best fireplace options for your home. We can help convert your existing wood fireplace to gas! Contact us to learn more about our services and repairs. Call us today or send us a message through our contact form to get in touch with our experts.

Signs That Your Chimney Needs To Be Cleaned

When something like a car has issues, you typically know right away. When it’s something like your chimney, you may have difficulty noticing if there is a problem. It’s that time of year again where fireplaces will be in full force. Your chimney must be in perfect shape to keep you and your home safe. Here are some ways to tell if your chimney needs to be cleaned:

Buildup of Creosote

If you burn a fire and notice a weird smell, it could be creosote buildup in your chimney. This smell can still be noticeable even after you think you cleaned the fireplace, it’s something to do with the chimney. Creosote is a by-product of burning fires in your fireplace, and it should be cleaned every year – especially if you are an avid user of your fireplace. Moisture from the logs burning will travel up the chimney and stick to the walls. 

Animal Entry

Birds and other smaller animals get into chimneys more often than you think. This can happen when your chimney cap isn’t shut or when you don’t have one at all. Small animals can easily get in, but they have a tough time getting out. Chimneys are the perfect place for birds and animals to live and start families. If you sense a weird smell coming from your fireplace, you may need to have it cleaned out for animals. A lot of the time, you will even find dead animals in there. It’s sad, but it happens often.

Excess Smoke In Your Fireplace

If you have a lot of smoke when you burn a fire, that can be a sign to have your chimney cleaned. Excess smoke can signal that there is a blockage somewhere in the chimney. It can also mean the opening in the chimney is clogged by grime, soot, or creosote. Your chimney won’t be as effective unless you get it cleaned out.


If you have a lot of black material in your fireplace, that could be soot. Soot is what happens before creosote forms. Soot isn’t too hard to clean out of a fireplace, but you definitely should get it done before a long winter of use. 

Contact New England Hearth & Home

New England Hearth & Home is here to help you with all things fireplace! We can take care of your yearly cleaning and any other maintenance on your fireplace. Contact us to talk to one of our experts about anything you need to be done to your fireplace. Call us today or fill out our online request form to get in touch.

Tips For Keeping Your Electric Fireplace Clean & Functional

electric fireplace

Electric fireplaces are popular because of their convenience and low-maintenance design. They offer a lot of comfort for homeowners who want the aesthetic appeal and heat of a fireplace without worrying about monitoring gas or cleaning a traditional fireplace. However, there are still a few essential elements of electric fireplaces that need attention and certain maintenance from time to time.

Changing Bulbs in The Fireplace

Electric fireplaces won’t become covered in residue or have build-up inside the firebox, but light bulbs will deteriorate eventually. If your fires are not very bright anymore or are dimming fast, you should consider replacing the bulbs. Luckily, this is an easy process for most. First, it is essential to turn off the fireplace to let it sit and cool off before doing anything with it. It is common for electric fireplaces to have detachable maintenance panels on the back, but you may need to take some screws to reach the bulbs. Check your unit’s manual to decide what bulb will be good replacement. If you need halogen bulbs, make sure to on handle them while wearing gloves. The oils that come from your skin can cause halogen bulbs to wear out faster than usual. LED bulbs are used in some fireplaces, and you don’t have to replace them within the fireplace’s lifespan.

Cleaning the Glass Door

The glass panel on the front of the fireplace is the most crucial aesthetic element of your fireplace. To make sure it is clean and shows off the style of your fireplace, clean it with soap and water on a lint-free cloth. You just have to gently wipe and buff the exterior of the glass and make sure that it is completely dry to avoid and water spots to dry. Make sure you don’t use glass cleaners or any other cleaners with harsh chemicals because they can end up being flammable and aren’t meant for fireplaces.

Cleaning the Fan in Your Fireplace

The fan in your fireplace is essential to providing heat in the room it’s in. To figure out if your fan needs to be cleaned you should check its spin pattern. Fans should spin smoothly with no resistance. If you want to wash your fan, a vacuum with a thin nozzle accessory is the best choice. Take off the grille covering and brush and vacuum off any dust you can see on the fan’s blades.

Contact Us

The experts at New England Hearth & Home can help you find the perfect fireplace to fit your home and style. We are proud to offer a wide variety of electric fireplaces in Canton, MA. Contact us to learn more about our products! Give us a call or fill out our contact form for more information.

Preparing Your Fireplace For Fall

feet next to a fireplace

It’s about to be Fall in a month! Heaters across Massachusetts will be turned on for the season, and fireplaces will be full of spark and light. Along with the rest of your essential winter items, fireplaces should be prepped and ready for the season. Here are four easy steps to prepare your fireplace for Fall weather:

Remove Debris and Ash

The first step is to clean out any ash and any other debris out of the fireplace. Remove the log grate and completely clean it as well. It isn’t something you’re going to want to do, but it will help you to start the season with a beautiful, clean space.

Check The Firebrick

Search the fireplace for any cracked or loose firebrick and repair anything that needs it. To fix them, take the loose mortar out with a scoring tool and clean it with a vacuum or brush. After that, brush water into the brick joints.

Check The Chimney and Flue

Check your chimney and flue for any obstructions – leaves, sticks, etc, and remove them. Professionals recommend that you have a chimney inspected every year by a certified chimney sweep to figure out if there is a large amount of creosote buildup. If a layer of over 1/8 has built up, it should be removed to lessen the chance of a chimney fire. 

Get Rid Of Extra Moisture

Start a small fire to dry out and get rid of any extra moisture, which can make the firebrick become damaged or form creosote, along with other damages to the fireplace. If you think that your fireplace has a lot of moisture or if you are planning on using a brand new new fireplace, do these steps to help dry it out:

  • Get two logs and use only 1/3 of one log
  • Wait between 2-4 days and then use the remainder of that log
  • Wait between another 2-4 days and use the whole second log
  • Give it another few days, and the fireplace will be ready to use

After all of these steps, you’ll be all set to use your fireplace all fall and winter long. Make sure you use dry and seasoned wood (wood that should be cut and dried for about 6-12 months) to burn and to remember to clean out the ash regularly. You should clean it when the ash gets to the bottom of the fireplace grate.

Contact New England Hearth & Home

New England Hearth & Home can help you get ready for Fall. Whether you are looking to get a new fireplace installed, or need help getting your existing one ready for the season, we can be here for you! Give us a call at 781-562-0771 for more information.